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Monday, June 17, 2013

Doctor Who Rewind - The Edge Of Destruction

After no expense was spared on The Daleks, what with the price of sink plungers, gallons of peroxide and plastic trees, the production crew needed an even cheaper two part story to pad the series out a little before the next script and sets were ready. Nation had made the most he could out of his creations and adding a further fifty minutes (2 x 25 minute episodes) would have been really asking a lot of the audience. So until a better story came along we get this ensemble piece that feels more like a play than a TV programme. All the action is in the TARDIS and to get away with that more of the TARDIS needed to be explored.

So, what magical parts of the TARDIS do we get to see? A sleeping area with two pull down beds and a side table! Oh we'll suppose the budget was non existent.

Everything about this story is completely mad. The TARDIS is flying through time when suddenly it seems to hit something and everyone falls to the floor unconscious. When they come too, they seem to be possessed by something. Did they all ingest some pot or LSD? It sure seems so.

There are some brilliant flashes of acting in this two parter, but they are mixed into a story which really doesn't know where it's going. It's like an actors workshop were the director has come up with various scenarios to test their abilities.

I loved the bit were Barbara, who is normally the voice of reason looses it with the Doctor, and rips into him with a torrent home truths about just how self centred he is. He looks genuinely shocked at her outburst. Does he take on board her criticisms? Well, he kindly goes off and makes everyone a nice cuppa - but it's laced with something that puts everyone to sleep. God knows, Barbara is going to be livid when she wakes up.

And Susan looks truly evil as she tries to lunge at Ian with a pair of rather large scissors. She then proceeds to stab repeatedly at the mattress on the wavy pull down bed thing. Bet the set designers were pissed at her. 

Even the TARDIS is acting out of sorts. The console panel has become electrified, the doors keep opening and closing, the monitors show photos of picturesque English countryside and the clock is melting.

The cliff hanger at the end of part one is someone creeping up on the Doctor and putting their hands around his neck. Who could it be? Well any of them as they all have reason to want to do him in after he nearly killed them off in the Daleks.

In the second episode the four of them try to unravel the great mystery that is surrounding them. This episode has been sighted as the one where the Doctor's relationship with Barbara and Ian turns a corner. For it is  Barbara that works out the clues as to what is going on. Therefore creating a bit of a pattern for future Doctor - companion relationships.

There is also a fair bit of falling to floor in this story. Nearly everyone gets to have a go by the end. And it's not ordinary falling. No, actors love a bit of dramatical creativity and they really go for it. Rolling about. Leaping up and crashing to the ground. I think they may have been bored.

What's hinted in this episode is further explored much later in the shows future. That the TARDIS is conscious and can help protect its inhabitants. It's a good idea and with more of a budget and a decent ending it would have worked.

Toward the end of the episode the Doctor delivers a soliloquy to camera which is almost Shakespearean, about the beginning of the universe, it's expertly executed by Hartnell. And we get a sense of the Doctors enthusiasm for  astronomy and science.

The ultimate cause of the entire story really doesn't explain the psycho type mood swings of some of the TARDIS crew though, especially Susan. I think she isn't the Doc's granddaughter at all but an escaped looney who he's picked up on his travels. I'm going to be keeping my eye on that one.

Next time on Doctor Who Rewind a seven part historical adventure involving a trip back to Central Asia in 1289 where all of the episodes have been lost by the BBC! Could be a little challenging that one.


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