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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Doctor Who Rewind - The Myth Makers

I expect many boys and girls huddled round the tv, of many 1960's living rooms, were, after watching Doctor Who's Mission To The Unknown (which despite featuring no DW or regular cast, did wet the appetite of fans of those tin pot exterminating Megalomaniacs) were expecting Daleks galore to make an appearance. Instead, what they got were a load of Trojans popping out of a Wooden Horse.

This then is Doctor Who's greek tragedy, The Myth Makers. A four part completely missing story, from William Hartnell's third series.

Here Mr Who accompanied by Stephen and Vicki becomes embroiled in the events of the Trojans war. It's a story that doesn't stop to catch its breath and if you so much as check your phone for twitter updates you'll miss a major plot development.

The in first half of the story Hartnell is mistaken as the God Zeus, well, Zeus disguised as a down and out anyway. And is taken to the Greek encampment by Achilles and Odysseus where they meet Agamemnon who wants him to help against the Trojans.

Later Steven, who has remained in the TARDIS with Vicki, is also captured by Odysseus and taken to the camp where he meets Zeus, or the Doctor. As Agamemnon is a bit dubious of this Zeus's powers the Doctor promises to demonstrate them if they are taken to the TARDIS, obviously where he will make himself and Steven disappear.

When the TARDIS is not found (as it's been taken inside the walled Trojan city), the Doctor decides to tell the truth and reveal his and Stevens identity.

Meanwhile King Priam of the Trojans is not impressed with the blue box and demands it is burned. But when Vicki steps out in a long flowing dress the King is enchanted by her and makes her a favoured member of his court.

The Doctor eventually, under pressure from Agamemnon designs plans for the great wooden horse and is told he must join the Greek army inside it.

Vicki has fallen in love with the Kings youngest son Troilus and wants to stop with him. I think we know what's coming.

The great horse is taken by the Trojans into the city and they rejoice at the disappearance of the Greeks. Of course we all know where this is leading...

In the ensuing bloodbath, the Doctor, and a wounded Steven escape to the TARDIS, Vicki has already said goodbye to the Doctor and left to join Troilus. We don't see the farewell, it is only hinted at.

Strangely, in the last few minutes of the story a woman called Katarina, turns up and helps the Doctor manhandle Steven into the TARDIS, which she calls his blue temple. This then, is the doctors new companion.

It seems only yesterday that Vicki was being welcomed onto the TARDIS for the first time (in fact it was one month ago by my harsh viewing schedule). It seems to early to see her go and despite finding old Troilus, she doesn't seem to have had much time for development as a character.

The Doctor is more concerned with Stevens wound than anything else right now and the story ends with them hoping that the next landing will provide some kind of medicine.

It certainly will provide doom thing, and that's the start of a mammoth 12 part story starring those mental cases themselves, The Daleks. This may hurt.


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