Doctor Who Rewind - The War Machines
It's the old old problem. Man invents computer. Computer out smarts man and builds a mechanised army. Man, completely out of his depth, enlists the help of a man who transverses time and space in a blue police box. Computer, getting all befuddled beckons the man calling him Doctor Who. Man steps back and let's the man in the funny hat and cloak do his thing...yes it Doctor Who meets Robot Wars.
The first thing that grabs you in this story is the episode tile screen, the letters flashing up in black and white computer type font one at a time until the entire screen is filled. It's something so different from the normal titles, and, does give the whole thing a contemporary feel.
We are in the swinging sixties, and while the rest of the country is partying and having a wild time, something sinister is going on at the top of the new Post Office Tower.
A new super computer, called WOTAN - (Will Operating Thought ANalogue) has been switched on by Proff Brett and his team of white coated bods.
On C day, in just four days time, WOTAN is to be joined with several other super computers around the globe.
When the TARDIS lands, Doctor and Dodo go to investigate the newly opened tower, which in itself, was a major achievement in modern architecture. Somehow, without the aid of any psychic paper they get through to WOTAN, and ask it a series of taxing questions. Unfortunately, "Are you planning to take over the world?", isn't one of them! Somehow though, the clever cloggs knows what the TARDIS is. How so?
Unfortunately WOTAN thinks its better than his creators and starts thinking for itself, hypnotising young Brett, to make him do its bidding.
Afterward, Dodo has a bit of a swing in the Inferno, London's hottest night spot with Brett's secretary Polly. There, they say, "hello sailor" to Ben Jackson, whose on shore leave. While, there though, Dodo is compromised by WOTAN, through a telephone
call from the tower and some spooky wavy effects on screen.
Meanwhile Hartnell has gate crashed a meeting of the Royal Scientific Club about WOTAN, chaired by Sir Charles Summer, a large imposing gentlemen played by William Mervyn.
The first episode of this four parter ends with Dodo summoned to WOTAN who then orders, in a whispery almost possessed voice, that, "Doc-tor Who Issss Rec-quired."
Just in case we missed it, WOTAN gives it to us again. Doctor Who, yes Doctor Who is most definitely required.
WOTAN, the menacing computerised collection of circuits and flashing lights, is up to no good. It wants to build an army of twelve super strong mechanical robots who will wreak havoc across London. That'll put a stop to those pesky swinging youngsters.
So then, to WOTAN's army. Essentially they look like giant versions of the DIY robots that, became popular on such programmes as Robot Wars. They are big one armed bandits which can drop a heavy weight down onto any unsuspecting target. They have laboured wheeled movement and emit some kind of deadly steam jet.
In an abandoned warehouse in Covent Garden, a tramp who looks suspiciously like Fagan out of Oliver, is looking for a place to stay for the night. He soon discovers he is not alone and WOTANS robot clobbers him good.
The Doctor suspects that Dodo has been compromised after she sets up a phone call from Brett to him. The Doctor nearly becomes possessed by the super computer but manages to escape. After breaking Dodo's programming he sends her away to stay with Sir Charles's wife in the country.
This is the last we see of Dodo alas, as she never does return. Her time on DW has been pretty brief, she has acted and carried herself well, but just hasn't had any chance to develop as a character over the past few weeks.
With Polly also under the influence of WOTAN, the Doctor dispatches Ben to her side. Ben is captured but is saved from death by Polly who tells WOTAN's followers that the computer needs all the slaves it can get. He later learns of the plan for twelve machines and manages to escape to warn the Doctor.
Sir Charles hastily was assembles a task force (a kind of forerunner to UNIT) to deal with the machine vermin. They attack the warehouse but Sergeant Bash (the Robot) is too powerful for them. They all run away, but the Doctor, striking one of many heroic posses during this story, stands firm as the robot approaches him.
The machine stops, due to its programming be in-complete and the Doctor takes the opportunity to have a mooch inside. He discovers that it, and the other robots are to attack from noon that very day.
Acting fast the Doctor has an idea to capture another machine using a crude electro magnetic force field. This renders the machine helpless, and the Doctor re-programmes the machine to attack WOTAN.
How the machine gets to the top if the Post Office tower is anyone's guess, but having done so it has a few stern words with WOTAN before killing it.
Polly escapes with Ben's help and they meet the Doctor at the suspicious blue box.
They tell the Doctor that Dodo isn't coming back and he thanks them. Having picked up the TARDIS key earlier, when Hartnell lost it, they decide to take action and enter the TARDIS anyway as it is de-materialising.
Yes, Polly and Ben are the Doctors new companions, and he's going to be proper pissed at their behavior.
All in all this story has many merits, as a forerunner to classic sci-fi films like War Games, and Demon Seed, it raises concerns over the place that computers have in our society, and what might happen if things get out if hand. And, it won't be the last time that this theme pops up in a Doctor Who story.
Next time on Doctor Who Rewind everyone starts speaking in a Cornish accent and talking in riddles about caves and other skulduggery.
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