Meat time
Today Max is going to have a meat soup that babushka has made for him from the finest russian beef. Today he gets a taste of his Russian life to come.
This morning we took him to the lab to have a blood, and urine test to see if they can find out just what is causing his skin problems which have gotten a lot better over the past few weeks. Poor little mite....there seems to be no escape for him
I am growing weary of my stay here now. My father in law is a man with head strong mind, he likes to control everthing, even my intake of vodka and beer. He is the kind of man that if say you are out taking a general stroll somewhere, will, deliberately go in the opposide direction from yours. Sometimes I feel like strangling him.
The pediatritian we took Max to see reckons he is laking in certain vitimins, the fault of us not feeding him a more meat like wider diet. With his skin problems though we have been mega wary of feeding him more exotic stuff. She has given us a vitimin supplement D3 for him and also told us to make the tests so that she can better understand the problems he may have with the allergy. She also thinks we should began potty training and vladimir has supplied two for Max to do the doings in. Can't wait for that.
Later today Max is having a guest, a young lady his age is popping over for an arranged marrage kind of set up. Should be interesting to see how he handles the ladies.
More later.
This morning we took him to the lab to have a blood, and urine test to see if they can find out just what is causing his skin problems which have gotten a lot better over the past few weeks. Poor little mite....there seems to be no escape for him
I am growing weary of my stay here now. My father in law is a man with head strong mind, he likes to control everthing, even my intake of vodka and beer. He is the kind of man that if say you are out taking a general stroll somewhere, will, deliberately go in the opposide direction from yours. Sometimes I feel like strangling him.
The pediatritian we took Max to see reckons he is laking in certain vitimins, the fault of us not feeding him a more meat like wider diet. With his skin problems though we have been mega wary of feeding him more exotic stuff. She has given us a vitimin supplement D3 for him and also told us to make the tests so that she can better understand the problems he may have with the allergy. She also thinks we should began potty training and vladimir has supplied two for Max to do the doings in. Can't wait for that.
Later today Max is having a guest, a young lady his age is popping over for an arranged marrage kind of set up. Should be interesting to see how he handles the ladies.
More later.